Switzerland to return to Afghanistan


Switzerland will reopen its humanitarian office in Afghanistan in autumn 2024 instead of summer as initially announced, reported SRF.

Four employees will be sent from Switzerland to oversee humanitarian projects financed by the Swiss federal government in the Afghan capital Kabul. According to the newspaper NZZ am Sonntag, a spokesperson for Switzerland’s Foreign Ministry confirmed the information.

The Swiss embassy in Pakistan will continue to be responsible for consular and diplomatic services, however.

After the Taliban seized control of the country three years ago, many Western nations, including Switzerland, fled and closed their offices there. Cooperation with the Taliban government was something many governments could not countenance given the regime’s cruel treatment of some people, women in particular.

However, the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan continues to worsen. According to the World Bank, 48% of Afghanistan’s population lives in poverty. Switzerland therefore sees a need for action.

Switzerland to return to Afghanistan
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‘Never Been Done Before’: A True Investigation of a Failed American War



In their first joint interview since the launch of the Afghanistan War Commission, co-chairs and veteran Afghan policy thinkers Shamila Chaudhary and Colin Jackson discussed their move into an active new phase, including interviewing the diplomats, generals and politicians who shaped the war.

Their goal? To determine just what went wrong in the 20-year conflict.

“No one will look like an unblemished hero, and nobody will look like a complete scapegoat,” Jackson said. “But the key is to be unflinching.”

The commission was established with bipartisan congressional support after the chaotic U.S. withdrawal in August 2021, but it’s obvious the seeds of failure were planted long before that. Chaudhary and Jackson are now tasked with developing a major, multipart report on how such mistakes can be avoided in the future.

Jackson is an academic, a military veteran and a former Defense Department official. Chaudhary is a former White House and State Department official. Both worked on Afghanistan policy during their years in the federal government, adding to their strong desire to understand why things fell apart.

In the interview, they discussed everything from talking to the Taliban to whether November’s presidential election could upend their work. And while they told POLITICO Magazine that they weren’t focused on ascribing blame, they acknowledged there’s plenty to spread around.

The following conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

Your commission launched its work roughly a year ago. Where are you at now?

Jackson: We’re at the end of the building the team, sort of midway into the genuine research part of the project. The nature of commissions is it takes some time to assemble the right team. We’re going to end up having a team of close to 50 people on the professional staff.

Chaudhary: The research and analysis stage allows us to do all the important pickaxe work that commissions do, which is put out requests for information and documents to the different executive branch agencies, to develop our extensive timeline of the war, and the decisions and the inflection points that we want to analyze in the course of our project. And then to also build our extensive list of people that worked on the war that we want to interview.

How granular is the timeline going to be? Am I going to be able to climb up and down it?

Chaudhary: So there’s the early part of the war, which was heavily focused on counterterrorism. During the Obama administration, we saw a surge, both military and civilian, and that needs to be documented. Then the latter part of the war which involved these intense discussions about negotiations. All of these themes were present throughout, but they got more complex over time, and we all have our own little sliver of it.

What’s really important about this project is that we’re able to put them all together into one overarching narrative that no one has ever seen before. What’s so critical about getting this right is producing quite a historic project and report for not just policymakers but for the American public and a global audience.

Your three key goals are to write an official history of the U.S. engagement in Afghanistan; lay out lessons learned from the experience; and make recommendations that could include changes in government process and structures. How will you ensure that people in power listen to you and follow through on your ideas?

Jackson: The imperative behind the entire project is learning. The experience of Afghanistan over 20 years is in the rearview mirror. The question is what can we make of it to improve the performance of a future generation in some unknown, future U.S. involvement abroad? We can’t guarantee the reaction of the U.S. government to this, but we can control the quality, depth, seriousness, rigorousness of the study that we produce.

Chaudhary: We believe just by virtue of existing, this project has impact. This has never been done before in relation to any other previous conflict or war. No other commission has been given this much time, this large of a scope, and this much independence and authority to do the work on such an intense issue in our foreign policy — and in recent memory. People are still kind of processing these issues. So I think that impact will be there, and it will speak for itself.

I know you’re trying to avoid making your report about laying blame. But let’s talk about blame.

I find it highly amusing when the Defense Department tries to blame the withdrawal chaos on the State Department, as if the Pentagon played no role in the Afghan army’s failures, or when members of Congress act like they had nothing to do with making it so hard to get visas for Afghan interpreters. Or when the CIA pretends it’s invisible in all this.

If you don’t assign blame here, there, maybe everywhere, then how will anyone be held responsible? And shouldn’t people and institutions be held responsible?

Jackson: My guess is that we will see flattering and unflattering portrayals of different institutions and agencies over this 20-year span. No one will look like an unblemished hero, and nobody will look like a complete scapegoat. But the key is to be unflinching, to pursue the truth as best we can understand it and lay it out to an informed general audience so that they can come to the conclusions that are appropriate.

Chaudhary: I think that we can draw a throughline throughout the conflict, in that there was a very limited approach at one point of the war, which then evolved into a whole of government approach. The dissonance amongst the agencies — that’s important for our work. We need to understand where the different U.S. stakeholders are coming from.

How does your work compare to the 9/11 Commission?

Jackson: We’ve been in active discussions with the 9/11 Commission, with the folks who were involved in that team on the professional side. And we’re doing our best to sort of extract what they learned from that process. They were the first to point out that the scope we had been given was considerably more challenging in many ways than looking at a single episode and looking to the left and right of it, which is what the 9/11 Commission did.

Chaudhary: The accessibility of the 9/11 Commission report is something that we want to reflect in our outputs, not just in the final report, but also how we engage with stakeholders throughout the process. A lot of people have read the 9/11 Commission report; it’s studied in high schools and colleges and universities.

It almost won the National Book Award.

Chaudhary: That’s right. The other critical aspect of the 9/11 Commission’s work that applies to us is how they objectively represent the perspectives of foreigners in their work. They do an excellent job of outlining interests and motivations of people and states and governments that a lot of Americans don’t know anything about.

What about Afghans? How can and will they play a role in your work? Because there’s no direct Afghan representation on the commission itself from what I can tell.

Chaudhary: Representation of multiple perspectives is really important for our work, in particular the Afghan perspectives and the Afghan experiences of the war. We’ve done several things to meet this need. We’ve hired a senior adviser for Afghan outreach. We are planning several outreach events and private engagement opportunities that will help educate us on the Afghan experience.

Several of our commissioners have lived and worked in Afghanistan for long periods of time, have published on these issues and are world-renowned experts. As we continue to do these engagements, we will meet more people and individuals who will inform our work.

Are you going to talk to the Taliban?

Chaudhary: That is under consideration, at the right time. Obviously, we want to talk about everyone that is part of the story of the war.

They were kind of a big part of the story of the war.

Jackson: The question of sort of timing on that is a relevant one, but we’re certainly open in principle as we are talking to all sorts of actors in the story.

The Pakistanis?

Jackson: Absolutely.

Chaudhary: Congress has asked us to look at the Pakistanis. They’ve asked us to look at the foreign interlocutors, other governments. We are willing to talk to everyone who is involved in the U.S. decision-making and the impact of that, and so whoever is involved in that we will have to consider that.

Jackson: We would be telling half the story, one hand clapping, if all we did was look at U.S. government plans in isolation.

On a technical level, some of these groups involved are designated terrorist organizations in one fashion or another. Can you nonetheless engage with them?

Jackson: Any engagement with groups like the Taliban is complicated. We see this in the story of the Afghan War, the United States government came up with ways of interacting with challenging groups and audiences. My guess is that something similar is at least in the realm of the feasible for the commission.

American politics are far more polarized than the post-9/11 years. How are you going to ensure that your work is not distorted by partisanship or that partisans won’t try to weaponize your work, including along the way?

Jackson: The payoff of this project, if done the right way, will not occur in the here and now, it won’t occur in this political season. It will be a future generation of professionals in the U.S. government who are applying insights that hopefully derive in this 20-year experience. So I think to become too narrowly focused on what will be inevitably polarizing sorts of attitudes in this year would be to miss the larger point here. If learning is the imperative, the political tensions of the present are decidedly secondary in our view.

Chaudhary: Our commissioners were appointed in a bipartisan manner from all the relevant committees, but as actors and agents of the commission, we are nonpartisan and we’ve built a nonpartisan professional staff and we’ve established bylaws to guide our work and to protect minority views and to protect that nonpartisan nature of our work. The history of this commission when it gets written, it will show that it came into existence because of bipartisan support.

A lot of folks ask us, “What happens if Trump wins the election? What happens to your work?” Our work is going to stay the same. We are persistent in our mandate. We are going to keep pursuing our goal of looking for answers and explanations of the war.

If I’m a government employee who played a role in Afghan policy in the past three decades, how could I be affected by your ongoing work? Will I get called in for an interview? Can I say no?

Jackson: We’ve been engaged in discussions with past and current decision makers in all branches of government, and I think those conversations will likely continue in various ways. There’s no way for us to fully understand the conflict — the decisions that were made, the alternatives that were considered — without canvassing the people who were involved.

So the bottom line for government employees is, “Yes, I could get called in.”

Chaudhary: The legislation is worded that we are to analyze U.S. decision-making, the individuals and the institutions that were involved in that. We will begin to delineate a process by which we identify who we want to talk to. It would be hard to interview everyone at every level that was involved. And so, depending on how we define decision-making, and which decisions we actually look at, that will determine who we speak with.

How do you expect and want U.S. military veterans to play a role in your work?

Jackson: There is no audience more interested in our work at some level than the veteran community — they’re intensely interested, and there is a hunger for accountability, understanding and the like. I think the way we ultimately get at that is by laying out for them the logic of the war in these key decisions.

I’m a veteran of the Afghanistan war. I served in uniform there in 2011. I have a son who’s an infantry officer now. I have a deep personal, visceral interest both in understanding the conflict in its totality and better arming my son and his comrades with a level of understanding that will ideally make them better.

Chaudhary: We’ve hired several professional staff who are also veterans of the war in Afghanistan and are guiding our extensive outreach. One of the reasons I took this project on was that I felt like I didn’t actually get exposed enough to the perspectives of veterans and Afghans as I was doing the important work of diplomacy from Washington.

What’s been the hardest part so far?

Jackson: Probably the hardest part and the greatest opportunity is the scope. It will be illuminating to take a look at how these parts fit together.

Chaudhary: I see the high level of expectations for our work from the different communities that participated in the war as one of the biggest challenges, but it’s also an opportunity for us to do good work together in a collaborative way that we weren’t able to do during war time.

The other challenge which is also an opportunity is the deep emotion and visceral response that looking at the war in Afghanistan elicits from people. That I see as something very organic and not to be ignored. And how we address emotion and empathy and moral injury through a policy project is a very challenging situation, but I see it as something that we should boldly take on because our country deserves this. Americans deserve it.

Jackson: If we do our work well, it will be foundational.

What’s a question you wish I had asked?

Jackson: You talk about key decisions — what key decisions?

I think the hardest part of the project will probably be narrowing even that set of key decisions to a manageable number. Clearly, there are ones that stand out in the popular understanding of the word, but there may also be ones that we discover in the process of inquiry where we say, “This was a critical inflection point in which there were opportunities to act differently. Why did we choose as we did? If we had chosen differently, what would that have done?”

And a key decision might be something like the decision to surge troops or go into peace talks or decisions about how to build the Afghan army.

Jackson: Or the organization of the Afghan government at the Bonn conference. We’re going to identify a series of sort of critical decisions or critical program decisions that were made.

We’re also going to say, okay, across all these strands of government, which were the large things and look to both the left and right of those decisions. What alternatives were considered? Why did we choose as we did? We’ll look at implementation of those decisions, and then a reaction of actors in Afghanistan and around Afghanistan.

Do you ever wake up and think, “Oh boy, what did I get myself into?”

Chaudhary: This is an incredible project to work on. I feel like all of the work that we all did, inside and outside government, deserves this chapter in the story now, because if we didn’t have this opportunity, it would remain unfinished.

Jackson: The best problem in the world is a job that’s sufficiently challenging that keeps you engaged all the time. And no matter how challenging the day-to-day stuff is, you’ve got this sort of North Star in that the American public deserves a full understanding and accounting of this intervention.

Nahal Toosi is POLITICO’s senior foreign affairs correspondent. She has reported on war, genocide and political chaos in a career that has taken her around the world. Her reported column, Compass, delves into the decision-making of the global national security and foreign policy establishment — and the fallout that comes from it.

‘Never Been Done Before’: A True Investigation of a Failed American War
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Traders end monthslong protest at Pakistan-Afghan border crossing

Initial reports indicate that small traders can now resume crossing with Pakistani and/or Afghan identity documents. Abdul Hadi, a trader, told VOA that the sit-in ended Sunday and that he crossed into Afghanistan on Tuesday.

The protesters’ committee spokesperson, Sadiq Achakzai, told VOA that Chaman Sit-in Committee members held talks with military leadership to resolve the issue. However, no official notification regarding the change has been issued by the government.

Former Balochistan caretaker interior minister Inayat Ullah Kahan Kasi, who mediated talks between Pakistan’s government and protesters, played a crucial role in ending the 9-month protest.

“I do not represent any government authority but government and security agencies assigned me the job to end the protest and I did it,” Kasi said.

Balochistan government spokesperson Shahid Rind refused to discuss the issue when VOA contacted him.

Pakistani officials have said that cross-border movement must be regulated to improve security and control smuggling.

Pashtun tribes straddling both sides of the British-era border’s Durand Line have historically moved freely for businesses and communal life.

A surge in violence in Pakistan since the Taliban took over in Afghanistan nearly three years ago has triggered security concerns and Pakistani government officials have insisted the border must be regulated.

Pakistani officials have blamed the Afghan Taliban for sheltering terror group Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which, according to Pakistani authorities, carries out cross-border attacks targeting Pakistani security forces. The Taliban denies the accusations.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Afghan interim government, said recently in an interview with Khurasan Diaries, a Pakistani digital news platform, that border trade issues and other matters should be dealt with separately.

Pakistan’s military said in a statement July 16 that eight soldiers were killed when a suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into an army compound in Bannu, a remote city in northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

A splinter group of Pakistani Taliban, led by militant commander Gul Bahadur, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Traders end monthslong protest at Pakistan-Afghan border crossing
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EU sounds alarm on worsening water crisis in Afghanistan

The European Union Delegation to Afghanistan has expressed concern over the worsening water crisis in the country, emphasizing the need to protect lakes and groundwater for future generations.

In a statement posted on X on Saturday, July 27, the organization highlighted that drought, pollution, and excessive water use are threatening the country’s water resources.

According to the EU Delegation in Afghanistan, “Together, we can build a safer Afghanistan and world in the face of water challenges.”

The organization noted that approximately 80% of the population in Afghanistan lacks adequate access to drinking water and urged, “Let us protect our rivers, lakes, and groundwater for future generations.”

Previously, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) had warned of the water scarcity crisis in Afghanistan, stating that this challenge affects millions of people.

The UNDP identified severe drought, economic instability, the damaging effects of prolonged conflicts, and climate change as key factors exacerbating the crisis in Afghanistan.

In Kabul, the drought and lack of potable water are particularly severe, compounding the daily struggles of residents. The city faces a critical shortage of clean drinking water, with many areas relying on unsafe sources or purchasing expensive bottled water. This shortage not only affects public health but also exacerbates existing socio-economic issues.

Efforts to address the water crisis in Kabul are hampered by ongoing conflicts and political instability, making it difficult to implement effective solutions.

The situation calls for urgent international support and coordinated efforts to develop sustainable water management systems and infrastructure to alleviate the severe water scarcity faced by the city’s population.

EU sounds alarm on worsening water crisis in Afghanistan
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Chinese Firm to construct three Hydroelectric Dams in Kunar, Afghanistan

The Ministry of Water and Energy of Afghanistan has announced that a Chinese company is ready to invest in large-scale hydroelectric dams (Shal, Sagi, and Sartaq) in Kunar province.

On Sunday, July 28th, the Ministry released a statement about the meeting between Abdul Latif Mansoor, the acting Minister of Water and Energy, and representatives of a Chinese company in Kabul.

The statement quotes the Chinese company officials expressing their interest in investing in these projects. They have indicated their eagerness to sign a cooperation agreement with the Ministry as soon as possible and to start the work in practice.

The acting Minister of Water and Energy welcomed the Chinese investment in this sector, emphasizing that “the capacity to generate electricity from the Kunar River is sufficient. If all these dams are constructed in the future, Afghanistan could even export electricity to neighboring countries.”

Details about the Chinese company and the construction costs of the dams have not yet been provided.

In recent years, China has invested in numerous developmental projects in Afghanistan, particularly in mining, hydroelectric dam construction, and other development initiatives.

This continued investment underscores China’s commitment to supporting Afghanistan’s infrastructure development and economic growth.

The investment by the Chinese company in the hydroelectric projects in Kunar represents a significant step toward enhancing Afghanistan’s energy infrastructure. These dams are expected to bolster the region’s power supply, potentially enabling Afghanistan to export electricity to neighboring countries in the future.

Chinese Firm to construct three Hydroelectric Dams in Kunar, Afghanistan
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Afghan female professors condemn salary reduction as humiliating and unjust

Female professors at Afghanistan universities have declared that the reduction of their salaries to 5,000 Afghanis is “humiliating.”

These professors assert that while students need to benefit from their expertise and experience, the Taliban has decided to confine female staff to their homes.

A group of female professors from Afghanistan universities, who are members of the academic staff at the Ministry of Higher Education, state: “We studied for at least twenty years, conducted research, and engaged in scientific research, but for the past two years, we have been sitting at home, struggling with the worst mental and emotional conditions.”

These university professors add that in a society where customs replace reason, human needs, and even religion, no more can be expected.

These female experts say: “We waited hoping that the Taliban would recognize that the children of Afghanistan need us and end the humiliation and insults at the university gates. However, not only has nothing changed, but the salaries of academic staff have been aligned with those of the laborers.”

On June 5, the Taliban administration announced that Hibatullah Akhundzada, the group’s leader, has set the salaries of all female employees in government offices at 5,000 Afghanis.

The Taliban’s salary reduction for female government employees initially caused confusion and delays, including for teachers. Protests by female employees from hospitals and schools led the Taliban to clarify that only the salaries of those confined at home would be cut.

Among these employees are female professors at Afghanistan universities, who, according to the Taliban’s decision, are not allowed to teach male students at universities. The Taliban has banned higher education and advanced learning for girls beyond the sixth grade.

Female university professors in Afghanistan have described the 5,000 Afghani salary allocation for female academic staff as an act of oppression and injustice by the Taliban, expressing uncertainty about how long the humiliation and disrespect towards female university professors will continue.

The ongoing situation highlights a severe disregard for the contributions and rights of female academic professionals in Afghanistan. The reduction of salaries, coupled with restrictions on their professional activities, underscores a broader pattern of systemic discrimination and suppression.

As these female professors continue to face these adversities, there is a pressing need for international attention and intervention to address these injustices and advocate for the rights of women in Afghanistan’s education sector.

Afghan female professors condemn salary reduction as humiliating and unjust
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Citizens Call for Clarity on National Flag’s Future

On this day, several citizens of the country are calling for clarity on the fate of the national tricolor flag.

The seventh of Asad (solar calendar) was designated as National Flag Day during the previous government, celebrated annually until its end.

On this day, several citizens of the country are calling for clarity on the fate of the national tricolor flag.

They urge the Islamic Emirate to seriously consider the use of the tricolor flag both domestically and internationally.

Mustafa, a resident of Kabul, said: “It is very upsetting that the fate of the flag is still unclear. The flag represents the identity of a nation.”

Khayrullah, another resident of Kabul, stated: “Our demand from the Islamic Emirate government is that this tricolor flag or the current flag should be made official.”

The tricolor flag was first introduced in 1307 solar year at the suggestion of King Amanullah and approved by the Loya Jirga in Paghman. Black symbolizes a difficult past, red represents the people’s struggle for freedom, and green signifies freedom and prosperity.

Khan Mohammad, also a resident of Kabul, said: “It was confirmed a hundred years ago and was used as the official flag of the country; unfortunately, today it holds no identity in the country.”

Although the Islamic Emirate has recently not commented on the tricolor flag, it had previously stated that Afghanistan’s flag is currently white and could be changed based on collective agreement at an appropriate time.

Some political analysts have opinions on National Flag Day and the national flag.

Fazl Rahman Oria, a political analyst, said: “In the future, if a constitution is created, it will be decided whether this flag remains the national flag or changes occur; however, in my view, the current flag flying over the Arg is the national flag.”

The seventh of Asad was named National Flag Day by the former Afghan government in 1398 solar year.

However, after the Islamic Emirate regained control of the country, the white flag replaced the tricolor flag, and the celebration of this day has diminished.

Citizens Call for Clarity on National Flag’s Future
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Ministry Urges Shift from Humanitarian Aid to Development Assistance

The document attributed the delay in signing some agreements to high administrative costs and asked all NGO workers to obtain work permits.

The Ministry of Economy, in a recently released document, has requested that UN agencies, the European Union, and other non-governmental donor organizations in Afghanistan shift their focus from humanitarian aid to development assistance.

This document which was issued last month (June 4), urged donor organizations to consider balance, transparency, public satisfaction, and the laws of the Islamic Emirate when planning and implementing projects.

Abdul Latif Nazari, the Deputy Minister of Economy, said: “We ask related UN agencies, the European Union, and other organizations to focus on shifting projects from humanitarian to developmental and to implement these projects in less-developed areas.”

The document attributed the delay in signing some agreements to high administrative costs and asked all NGO workers to obtain work permits.

Some analysts view the implementation of infrastructural projects instead of humanitarian aid as effective because it creates job opportunities in the country.

“Every country acts based on its national interests and formulates procedures. Over the past 20 years, and even today, aid organizations have not been able to help people transparently,” said Abdul Nasir Reshtia, an economic analyst.

“Humanitarian aid can be a temporary relief but not a solution. Alongside focusing on a consumer economy that increases people’s purchasing power, we should also emphasize a productive economy and develop infrastructures for long-term results,” said Abdul Zuhoor Mudaber, another economic analyst.

The Ministry of Economy has always stressed the continuation of UN humanitarian aid to eliminate poverty in the country and has called for the release of Afghanistan’s frozen funds by the United States.

Ministry Urges Shift from Humanitarian Aid to Development Assistance
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Human Rights Watch demands end to violation of women’s rights in Afghanistan ahead of 2024 Olympics

Human Rights Watch has reported that women and girls in Afghanistan are being deprived of their rights to education, work, and sports. In a statement made on Friday, July 26th, the organization called on the Taliban regime to end the “abuse” of women’s rights.

The Paris 2024 Olympics were inaugurated on Friday with a grand ceremony in France, where a significant portion of the opening events was led by women. The Olympics are one of the largest sporting events in the world, providing athletes from across the globe with the opportunity to showcase their skills and achievements.

In stark contrast to this global celebration, women and girls in Afghanistan are not only barred from working and studying but are also prohibited from participating in sports.

This situation highlights a severe discrepancy between the opportunities available to athletes worldwide and the restrictions faced by Afghan women.

Despite these severe restrictions, several Afghan female athletes are competing in the Paris 2024 Olympics. Their participation underscores their resilience and determination to overcome the barriers imposed on them, even as they represent a nation where their rights are heavily restricted.

The contrast between the Paris 2024 Olympics and Afghanistan’s gender restrictions highlights a global disparity. While female athletes shine on the world stage, advocacy for women’s rights in Afghanistan must continue for true equality and opportunity.

Human Rights Watch demands end to violation of women’s rights in Afghanistan ahead of 2024 Olympics
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US Congress to Hold Hearing on Rights of Afghan Women, Girls

Meanwhile, several women’s rights activists and political analysts consider such sessions effective in improving the situation of women in Afghanistan.

The US Congress Human Rights Commission will hold a session in three days to discuss the situation of Afghan women. 

The commission stated in an announcement that the session will be attended by the US Special Representative for Women and Human Rights in Afghanistan, the Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch, and several women.

The announcement stated: “Since August 2021, the situation of Afghan women and girls has deteriorated dramatically. A growing list of severe and dehumanizing restrictions imposed by the Taliban, including prohibiting women from working and denial of access to education, have starkly reduced their ability to participate in Afghan public life and tightened controls on women’s private lives.”

Mashhuda, a student, commented on the demands of Afghan girls: “The demand of all the girls in this nation is for the doors of universities and schools to be opened to girls so that they can study just like the male population, because no society progresses without females.”

Meanwhile, several women’s rights activists and political analysts consider such sessions effective in improving the situation of women in Afghanistan.

Mina, a women’s rights activist, told TOLOnews: “We are hopeful that this session can be effective and have a positive impact on Afghan women. Our minimum expectation from this session is for schools to reopen.”

Samiullah Ahmadzai, a political analyst, said: “The situation of women and the overall situation in Afghanistan is not important to the US and Western countries. They use these issues for their own benefit and achieve their own goals.”

Although the Islamic Emirate has not recently commented on the US Congress session on the situation of Afghan women, it previously stated that women’s rights in the country are provided according to Islamic Sharia, and the concerns of other countries in this regard are baseless.

US Congress to Hold Hearing on Rights of Afghan Women, Girls
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