Mawlawi Yaqoob Mujahid: Return To Country and Engage In Lawful Activities

Mujahid added in a statement that the spirit of victory and the desire to end occupation still persists among Afghans, just like their ancestors.

Today (Sunday, Asad 28 of solar calendar) marks the 105th anniversary of Afghanistan’s independence.

One hundred and five years ago, on this day, King Amanullah Khan, one of Afghanistan’s constitutional monarchs and freedom seekers, ended the Third Anglo-Afghan War by signing the Rawalpindi Peace Treaty and declared Afghanistan’s official independence on August 18, 1919.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, said on this occasion that “the struggle of our ancestors not only led to the defeat of occupation in Afghanistan but also defeated occupation in all colonized and imperialist countries of the region and the world.”

Mujahid added in a statement that the spirit of victory and the desire to end occupation still persists among Afghans, just like their ancestors.

Since Asad 28, various governments in Afghanistan have commemorated this day, and this year, the Islamic Emirate also celebrated the occasion at the Ministry of Defense.

During the ceremony, Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid, the acting Minister of Defense, urged neighboring countries not to create challenges for Afghanistan at the borders or along the Durand Line.

In his view, the construction of roads, the establishment of border police, and checkpoints at the borders are not challenges for neighboring countries, but rather for the protection of Afghanistan.

The acting Minister of Defense said: “It is our duty to protect Afghanistan at any cost, to defend this country at any price. All those who have fled Afghanistan and have different ideologies have turned their eyes to foreign entities, and they will remain disappointed forever, hoping to be served from them. I tell them to come back to Afghanistan.”

This official of the Islamic Emirate, without naming any person or country, said, “[They] used all their strength against us for the sake of America,” but, he added, the Islamic Emirate has not attacked American interests in any country.

Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Minister of Interior, who was also present at the ceremony, said that the enemy is still engaged in destroying Afghanistan ideologically and culturally.

Haqqani said that the enemy has trained Afghan youth, who have distanced themselves from their culture, in such a way that they are working to destroy their own society.

The former Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation, Abdullah Abdullah, and Hamid Karzai also publically marked the 28th of Asad on X.

Abdullah wrote that he hopes the celebration of this day will pave the way for unity, solidarity, brotherhood, and the establishment of social justice among the people of Afghanistan.

According to Abdullah, freedom and independence are “the result of the sacrifices of our ancestors” from across the country.

Former President Hamid Karzai on this day called on the interim government of Afghanistan to reopen the doors of education for girls.

Karzai also urged all people to work together to fight poverty, gain knowledge, and strive for progress.

In Karzai’s view, the bright future of Afghanistan undoubtedly depends on the education of the young generation, and it is necessary for everyone to make comprehensive efforts in the field of education and training.

At the ceremony held today by the Ministry of Defense to commemorate the 28th of Asad, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Abdul Salam Hanafi, Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs, and Amir Khan Muttaqi, the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, were also present.

Mawlawi Yaqoob Mujahid: Return To Country and Engage In Lawful Activities