Baghlan Sees Surge in Tourist Visits Amid Improved Security

Haqqani told TOLOnews that among these visitors, over one hundred were foreign tourists, and the rest were domestic.

Izzat Mir Haqqani, the acting head of Baghlan’s Department of Information and Culture, reported that in the first four months of this solar year, more than 40,000 domestic and foreign tourists have visited the scenic spots of this province. 

Haqqani told TOLOnews that among these visitors, over one hundred were foreign tourists, and the rest were domestic.

The acting head of Baghlan’s Department of Information and Culture stated: “In the past quarter, according to the statistics we have, more than 40,000 domestic tourists and one hundred foreign tourists have visited various sites in Baghlan.”

According to Izzat Mir Haqqani, Baghlan is one of the provinces with many historical sites; however, due to insecurity in recent years, the number of tourists visiting has been low. He pledged that security has now been established throughout the province.

The acting head of Baghlan’s Department of Information and Culture added: “Tourists from many countries, such as Germany, Japan, China, the United States, France, and recently from other countries, have visited Baghlan.”

At the same time, some military experts emphasize that to increase the number of tourists in the country, more attention should be paid to addressing security concerns.

Aziz Stanikzai, a military affairs expert, said: “Tourists who travel from one country to another are accompanied by specific individuals, both for security and health reasons, to ensure they don’t encounter any problems. We expect the Islamic Emirate to create these conditions for foreign tourists.”

Kamran Aman, another military affairs expert, said: “The government should strive not to impose restrictions on domestic and foreign tourists, as any such restrictions will result in a decrease in the number of tourists.”

Previously, officials from the Ministry of Information and Culture reported that over the past year, nearly 9,000 foreign tourists visited the country’s historical sites, generating an income of 48 million afghani.

Baghlan Sees Surge in Tourist Visits Amid Improved Security