Nearly 500 Afghan migrants expelled from Pakistan

The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations of Afghanistan has announced that hundreds of Afghan migrants have returned to the country after being expelled by Pakistan.

The ministry stated in a newsletter on Saturday, that around 471 Afghan migrants returned to Afghanistan through the Torkham border in Nangarhar province.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Migrants Affairs added that these migrants re-entered the country through the mentioned border on Thursday following their expulsion.

Recently, Pakistan and Iran have imposed strict restrictions on Afghan migrants, often citing the lack of proper residency documents as the primary reason for expulsion from neighboring countries.

This comes amid previous instances where Afghan citizens were detained and subsequently expelled from Pakistan by Pakistani authorities for various reasons.

However, Pakistani officials have repeatedly emphasized that the primary reason for detaining Afghan migrants in their country is the lack of legal residency documents.

The situation underscores the challenges faced by Afghan migrants in neighboring countries and the complexities surrounding their status and rights in those nations.

Nearly 500 Afghan migrants expelled from Pakistan