Iran’s water share from Helmand River still pending: Iranian official

The deputy of Iran’s Environmental Organization states that despite negotiations with the Taliban, Iran’s water share has not been allocated yet.

Mojtaba Zoljoodi said, “Unfortunately, not only is the environmental share not provided, but also the people’s drinking water share has not been secured. In these circumstances, diplomatic actions are needed.”

He emphasized in an interview with ISNA news agency that the water share should come from Hilmand into Iran.

Mr. Zoljoodi says that pursuing Iran’s water share from Afghanistan is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic, ordered by President Ebrahim Raisi.

The deputy of Iran’s Environmental Organization added, “In a meeting with the Taliban, they promised that if there is adequate rainfall and proper water storage in the dams, Iran’s water share will be released.”

According to him, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the deputy prime minister of the Taliban, promised during his last visit to Iran that the water share would be provided.

He also mentioned that the Iranian government has utilized all its efforts to solve the water share issue.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic official said that the Taliban authorities had promised to reopen the Kamal Khan Dam in times of abundance, but they have not yet fulfilled this promise.

However, Afghan experts argue that Iran’s demands exceed those outlined in the 1972 accord. Additionally, with the water levels decreasing, Iranian officials’ requests for additional water from the Helmand River are seen as increasingly unreasonable.

The diminishing water levels have rendered Iranian officials’ appeals for extra water from the Helmand River largely inconsequential, a point emphasized by Afghan experts who maintain that Iran’s demands surpass the terms established in the 1972 agreement.

The agreement grants Iran 820 million cubic meters of water annually under normal conditions. Yet, experts claim Iran consistently receives double its allotted share from the Helmand River.

Iran’s water share from Helmand River still pending: Iranian official