Kakar: Central Govt in Afghanistan ‘Absent,’ Kabul Reacts

The spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate said that there exists a central government in Afghanistan which is leading the entire affairs of the country.

The Islamic Emirate reacted to the remarks of Pakistan’s interim Prime Minister saying that the Afghan caretaker government possesses control over the entire territory of the country.

The spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate said that there exists a central government in Afghanistan which is leading the entire affairs of the country.

“There exists a central government in Afghanistan and there is no problem in this regard. No one should worry about this, in general, there is a lot of difference between the Islamic Emirate and the previous Afghan government. The previous government was neither self-reliant nor independent. It was dependent on occupiers,” the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, Zabiullah Mujahid, told TOLOnews.

Speaking in an interview with a Pakistani media outlet, Pakistan’s PM Anwar ul-Haq Kakar said that the Islamic Emirate has yet to gain control over the whole country and that they [Islamic Emirate] are in the process of establishing a central government.

Kakar added that such a government will take time and that this is a phased process.

“Two trillion US dollars were spent, a lot of weapons and military equipment were used but Ashraf Ghani couldn’t establish a central government. Now, the Taliban are expected to do so in seven to eight months, it is not possible,” Pakistan’s interim Prime Miniser, Anwar ul-Haq Kakar said.

Contrary to Pakistan’s previous allegations about potential terror threats from Afghanistan’s soil to the country, Anwar ul-haq Kakar said that Afghanistan poses no threat to Pakistan and that Afghans have never posed any threat to the country.

The Pakistani caretaker PM further added that ensuring that Afghanistan’s soil is not used against other countries will benefit the Islamic Emirate in its engagement with the international community.

“They [Pakistan] do not have a good understanding of the region, and make these remarks to deviate public opinion. These remarks have no political and informative root so that they can act based on them,” said Rashid Qutbzada, an international relations expert.

“There main problem is that Pakistan and countries like Pakistan have not yet understood how to seek their interests through stability in the region. They do not consider the stability and security of the region as their stance,” said Najibullah Jame, a political analyst.

Anwar ul-Haq Kakar also said the decision to recognize the Islamic Emirate will be taken in line with the international community.

Kakar: Central Govt in Afghanistan ‘Absent,’ Kabul Reacts