WHO Says Over 1M Children Malnourished in Afghanistan

According to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the Director-General of WHO, they need $185 million to fight against malnutrition. 

The World Health Organization said that over a million children in Afghanistan are facing severe malnutrition.

According to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the Director-General of WHO, they need $185 million to fight against malnutrition.

He also wrote on his X that 30% of the total Afghanistan population faces acute food insecurity.

“Close to 1 million children are severely malnourished and 2.3 million are suffering from moderate acute malnutrition. WHO needs $185 million to continue providing medicine and supporting hospitals to prevent more Afghan children and women dying of malnutrition and the consequences of food insecurity,” he said.

The Ministry of Public Health said that the number of malnourished mothers and children in the country has slightly increased compared to past years.

Six-month old Amir has been in the nutrition treatment department of Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital.

Amir’s mother says that he was taken from Kapisa to Kabul for treatment.

“He had Inflammation and skin rash, and the doctors said to take him to Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital, he may have kidney or lung illness, when I took him here they said that he is malnourished, Mahfoza,” the mother of Amir.

“Our economic situation is not good so my child became malnourished and also we can’t eat a good thing and wear a good thing, said Muska a companion.

According to the doctors of Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital, the number of malnourished children has increased compared to past years, and in the winter 20 to 25 malnourished visited the hospital.

“Compared to the past year, especially in winter, our patients increased and nowadays 15 to 20 patients are referred daily,” said Fatima Azimi, Nurse

“For children not to face malnutrition, respectable families should increase the distance between births and observe health guidelines, and our society should be saved from poverty and improved,” said Abdul Gafoor Rasooli, a doctor.

According to figures from the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Public Nutrition, in the first six months of the ongoing solar year, 896,000 children and 444,000 pregnant and breastfeeding mothers visited malnutrition treatment centers across the nation.

WHO Says Over 1M Children Malnourished in Afghanistan