Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Highlighted at UNSC Meeting

“Pakistan will continue to provide support to the 29 million Afghans in need of humanitarian assistance and to help revive Afghanistan’s economy,” he said.

Representatives of countries including Russia, UK, Pakistan, India, Qatar and Switzerland at the UN Security Council High-Level Open Debate on Famine and Conflict-Induced Global Food Security in New York pointed out the humanitarian situation of Afghanistan and expressed concerns over the number of people in need of aid.

Barbara Woodward, UK ambassador to the UN, said that the Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace calls for renewed multilateral cooperation and putting women, such as those in Afghanistan facing a choice between selling their children or starving, at the centre of peace initiatives.

Dmitry Polyanskiy, 1st Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, said that the most acute food crises are directly or indirectly provoked by the action of the United States or its allies.

“For example, Afghanistan has been struggling to climb out of the abyss of hunger and poverty for over 20 years because of the experiments carried by the United States-led coalition to democratize this deeply traditional country in a Western fashion,” he said.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN, Mohammad Aamir Khan, said that 117 million of the 258 million food-insecure live in 19 war and conflict zones, and that 15.3 million Afghans are projected to face high food insecurity.

“Pakistan will continue to provide support to the 29 million Afghans in need of humanitarian assistance and to help revive Afghanistan’s economy,” he said.

Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Highlighted at UNSC Meeting