Beijing Expects Kabul to Take ‘More Solid Steps’ to Meet Intl Expectations

She made the remarks in response to a question about China’s stance on the UN special envoy for Afghanistan’s latest report.

Speaking at a press conference, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that Beijing hopes the Afghan interim government will take more solid steps in the direction that serves the interests of the Afghan people and meets the expectations of the international community, “so as to gain more understanding, trust and support from the rest of the world.”

She made the remarks in response to a question about China’s stance on the UN special envoy for Afghanistan’s latest report.

“As we speak, Afghanistan still faces quite a number of challenges and the international community still has many concerns about the Afghan interim government’s governance approach,” she said. “We hope that the Afghan interim government will take more solid steps in the direction that serves the interests of the Afghan people and meets the expectation of the international community, so as to gain more understanding, trust and support from the rest of the world.”

Ning said that since the “Afghan interim government was formed, it has been committed to the peaceful reconstruction and independent development of Afghanistan and actively engaged in exchanges and cooperation with other countries.”

“A series of measures have been taken to grow the economy, eliminate corruption, ban drug cultivation and improve people’s wellbeing and public order, which has seen effective results,” she said.

The international community has repeatedly voiced concerns about the violation of human rights and women’s right to work and education, the need to form an inclusive government, and the presence of terrorist groups in Afghanistan.

However, the Islamic Emirate denied the presence of terrorist groups in the country, saying that the rights of women are ensured within an Islamic structure and that formation of the government is an internal issue for Afghanistan.

Beijing Expects Kabul to Take ‘More Solid Steps’ to Meet Intl Expectations